Thursday, December 13, 2012

Holiday Camp permission form

Holiday Ski Camp – Nordic Skiers – Freeport High School
PLACE:  Jackson Touring Center, Jackson, New Hampshire
LODGING:  The Dana Place, Jackson, New Hampshire.
DATE:  12/26 through 12/28/12
TIME:  Departure FHS 10:00 am on 12/26   Arrive back FHS (F-PAC parking lot) 6:00 pm 12/28/12
1)      Cost: $100, made out to Freeport Ski Team Boosters’
INCLUDES:  lodging, food, transportation, ski passes, training
COACHES ATTENDING: Joel Hinshaw, Heather Zimmerman, Emily Martin, Doug Martin
DEADLINE:  Forms and money coaches by December 21st
For more information contact Doug Martin 207 749-5801 or
Freeport High School Nordic Holiday Ski Camp – Permission Slip
I give permission for __________________to attend Holiday Ski Camp, December 26, 27, & 28 with the Freeport Nordic Ski Team.  I understand students will be transported in personal vehicles and vans by coaches and parents.  In the event of an emergency where I cannot be reached, I give my permission for the adult chaperones or coaches to make medical decisions as needed for the safety of my child.  My child may,  may not  (circle one) be given Tylenol or ibeprophen without permission.
____________________________                 _____________
Parent / guardian    signature                             Date
Please list any allergies or medical conditions (or attach info) we need to be aware of:
Parents/Guardian Names                                                  Emergency Phone numbers
______________________________            __________________________________________     

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