Monday, January 7, 2013

Volunteers needed for 1/9 race!

Freeport High School Nordic Race, Wednesday 1/9 at Twin Brooks

Dear parents, 

Freeport is co-hosting this Wednesday's classic race. The race is going to be mass start and we are looking for volunteers for the start/finish of the race. 

Being a mass start, helping at the start/finish should still provide plenty of good/exciting vantage points!

We need volunteers for the following:

1 person to serve as a "starter" 

2 extra people at the start, ensuring that schools are in their correct lane and lined up properly (self-seeding). 

4-5 volunteers at the finish, recording bib #s and times. These volunteers should come prepared with clipboards and pens, in order to record finish times/information. 

Thanks in advance for all of your support! 

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