Thursday, January 26, 2012

Girls Pineland Sprint race results

                                     NYA/Greely WMC Girls High School Nordic Race 1K
                                      Pineland New Gloucester, Maine  January 25, 2012 
                                             Timing by 5K Sports Race Management
                   /  207-865-4501  /

        Place                                                    SWIM  SWIM BIKE    BIKE BIKE    BIKE  Run  RUN           RUN
          in                                                      Cum   Cum Splt   Split  Cum     Cum  Spt Splt           Cum
Place Division  NO. NAME                 TOWN           ST AGE S  Plc  Time  Plc    Time  Plc    Time  Plc Time PLACE    Time
===== ======== ==== ==================== ============== == === = ==== ===== ==== ======= ==== ======= ==== ===== ==== =======
    1            28 Tara Humphries       Yarmouth                                                                   1    3:32
    2            29 Emile Chase-Donahue  Merriconeag                                                                2    3:33
    3            20 Caitlin Crawford     Yarmouth                                                                   3    3:37
    4            35 Sarah Becker         Yarmouth                                                                   4    3:39
    5            32 Dana Bloch           Falmouth                                                                   5    3:47
    6            43 Alex Lucas           Yarmouth                                                                   6    3:49
    7            86 Ellie Teare          Yarmouth                                                                   7    3:49
    8            38 Olivia Conrad        Yarmouth                                                                   8    3:50
    9            80 Emma Torres          Yarmouth                                                                   9    3:51
   10            24 Elizabeth Martin     Freeport                                                                  10    3:52
   11            36 Teagan Wu            Merriconeag                                                               11    3:54
   12            81 Sarah Meyers         Yarmouth                                                                  12    3:54
   13            44 Samantha Pierce      Merriconeag                                                               13    3:55
   14            75 Caitlin Teare        Yarmouth                                                                  14    3:55
   15            34 Lily LaMarre         Freeport                                                                  15    4:03
   16            46 Laurel Hurd          Yarmouth                                                                  16    4:03
   17            50 Emma Pidden          Yarmouth                                                                  17    4:07
   18            76 Virginia Fullagar    Freeport                                                                  18    4:07
   19            60 Jesse Saffeir        Merriconeag                                                               19    4:08
   20            54 Ihilia Lesnikova     Yarmouth                                                                  20    4:08
   21            33 Eloise Peabbles      Greely                                                                    21    4:10
   22            27 Emily Martin         Freeport                                                                  22    4:11
   23            42 Sarah Hemphill       Falmouth                                                                  23    4:11
   24            91 Gabrielle Beaulieu   Yarmouth                                                                  24    4:13
   25            30 Melanie Regan        NYA                                                                       25    4:14
   26            52 Bethanie Knighton    Freeport                                                                  26    4:16
   27            25 Isabella Munro       NYA                                                                       27    4:18
   28            45 Emma Egan            Freeport                                                                  28    4:19
   29            65 Katie Ventura        Falmouth                                                                  29    4:19
   30            48 Lilly Tupper         Merriconeag                                                               30    4:20
   31            26 Olivia Hoch          Falmouth                                                                  31    4:22
   32            39 Emily Follett        Greely                                                                    32    4:27
   33            23 Elyse Dinan          Greely                                                                    33    4:28
   34            41 Abigail Mahoney      Freeport                                                                  34    4:28
   35            57 Katrine Laukli       Yarmouth                                                                  35    4:28
   36            71 Emma Peterson        Yarmouth                                                                  36    4:28
   37            55 Carlin Tindall       Merriconeag                                                               37    4:29
   38            61 Camille Dunwoody     Falmouth                                                                  38    4:29
   39            67 Madison Hynes        Yarmouth                                                                  39    4:30
   40            58 Jasmine Olins        Freeport                                                                  40    4:32
   41            63 Ellie Soule          Freeport                                                                  41    4:39
   42            51 Anna Morin           Falmouth                                                                  42    4:43
   43            97 Simone Laverdiere    Yarmouth                                                                  43    4:52
   44            49 Haley Libbey         Greely                                                                    44    4:55
   45            68 Haley Steckler       Freeport                                                                  45    4:55
   46           103 Hannah Potter        Yarmouth                                                                  46    5:00
   47            74 Meredith Broderick   Freeport                                                                  47    5:01
   48            70 Jesse Hoffman        Greely                                                                    48    5:04
   49            90 Emily Sturtevant     Freeport                                                                  49    5:04
   50            98 Shelby Sawyer        Freeport                                                                  50    5:06

                                                                                                                         Page 2
                                       NYA/Greely WMC Girls High School Nordic Race 1K
                                      Pineland New Gloucester, Maine  January 25, 2012 
                                             Timing by 5K Sports Race Management
                   /  207-865-4501  /

        Place                                                    SWIM  SWIM BIKE    BIKE BIKE    BIKE  Run  RUN           RUN
          in                                                      Cum   Cum Splt   Split  Cum     Cum  Spt Splt           Cum
Place Division  NO. NAME                 TOWN           ST AGE S  Plc  Time  Plc    Time  Plc    Time  Plc Time PLACE    Time
===== ======== ==== ==================== ============== == === = ==== ===== ==== ======= ==== ======= ==== ===== ==== =======
   51            83 Kaia Johansen        Freeport                                                                  51    5:07
   52           104 Eliza Smith-Sitnick  Freeport                                                                  52    5:18
   53            40 Maggie Meixell       NYA                                                                       53    5:19
   54            72 Emily Rioux          Falmouth                                                                  54    5:21
   55            79 Laura Ramage         Freeport                                                                  55    5:24
   56            53 Breanna Harmer       Greely                                                                    56    5:35
   57            87 Emily Smith          Freeport                                                                  57    5:39
   58            64 Holly Rand           Greely                                                                    58    5:42
   59            85 Sara Twombly         Falmouth                                                                  59    5:42
   60            69 Lizzie Goodrich      Falmouth                                                                  60    6:11
   61           101 Anna Brown           Freeport                                                                  61    6:20
   62            84 Sarah Gooch          Greely                                                                    62    6:30
   63            73 Meredith Clark       Greely                                                                    63    6:32
   64            96 Abbey Mitchell       Falmouth                                                                  64    6:33
   65           105 Molly Maguire        Yarmouth                                                                  65    6:39
   66            93 Maggie Davis         Freeport                                                                  66    6:42
   67            78 Samantha Todd        Greely                                                                    67    6:53
   68           106 Taylor Schenker      Freeport                                                                  68    7:55
   69            56 Abby Hinchman        NYA                                                                       69    9:39
   70            89 Krystyna Rybka       Greely                                                                    70   10:35

1-Yarmouth 14 pts. (1, 3, 4, 6)
2-Merriconeag 45 pts. (2, 11, 13, 19)
3-Freeport 65 pts. (10, 15, 18, 22)
4-Falmouth 88 pts. (5, 23, 29, 31)
5-Greely 130 pts. (21, 32, 33, 44)
6-NYA 179 pts. (25, 27, 53, 69)

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